or anyone who hopes to maintain at least a middle-class lifestyle a degree from a higher educationaldepartments institution has become a must. As parents and grandparents we want to see children succeed but may worry how the education will be funded and by whom. As the cost of obtaining a degree has become higher, those who have the means to, oftentimes take the initiative to help pay for education. Whether it’s parents or grandparents, there are many ways to help save and pay for education and those thinking about it should be aware of the different options available to them. The most common approaches include 529 plans, custodial accounts, direct gifting to the individual, and direct gifting to an educational institution.
529 Plans
A 529 plan is an education savings plan where the investment grows tax-deferred and distributions used for qualified post-secondary education are free of federal tax. This type of savings plan allows the owner to easily change the beneficiary and investments as they choose and provides a variety of funding options. In addition to this, 34 states give the 529 owner at least a partial tax deduction for all contributions made to the plan. The owner can contribute to a 529 plan as a gift without incurring penalties by taking advantage of annual federal gifting limits. One of the advantages of these plans includes the fact that 529s can be funded with 5 years’ worth of future nontaxable gifts. While contributions to a 529 are a completed gift (and hence remove the funds from an estate), the owner has access to the funds but any withdrawals will be subject to a tax and a 10% penalty on earnings if the money is not used to pay for educationaldepartments. Those who purchase these plans should also be aware that many plans tend to have high fees and limited investment options.
Custodial Accounts
Another way to consider paying for college is through a Custodial Account (UTMA/UGMA). This account is similar to an individual investment account but gifts made to it are held in trust until the child reaches the age of trust determination (age 18 or 21 depending on the type of account and state in which it is held). There are several drawbacks associated with this type of account. The assets in a custodial account are considered as the students’ and may count against them if they apply for college financial aid. Investment income generated by the custodial account must be reported on the child’s tax return and is taxed at the parents’ rate. And finally, it’s most important to consider that the funds in a custodial account are irrevocable and once the child reaches adulthood, they are free to spend the funds as they choose.
Direct Payments
As of 2014, federal gifting rules allow a parent or grandparent to make a direct gift of up to $14,000 per year to anyone without paying gift taxes on it. This amount will not be deducted from the lifetime federal gift and estate tax exclusion and one can make as many gifts of $14,000 or less as a person deems fit. Married couples can give $28,000 per recipient without any gift tax ramifications, though they must report to the IRS that they have combined gifts. If however, funds are paid directly to a qualified educationaldepartments institution, there is no limit to the amount a person can give. This type of direct payment will incur no gift tax and nothing will be deducted from an exclusion amount but this applies only for the part of the gift paid directly to the institution. If the gifter also wishes to cover other costs such as books or room and board that must be paid separately, a regular gift must be made to meet these costs.
Best Strategies for Young Parents
For Parents, savings strategies must fit the family and the finances. The downside to contributing a monetary gift in the form of a custodial account is that anything in the account will belong to the child upon entering adulthood; therefore it is important for young parents to consider how the child might use the money when he or she comes of age. For this reason, a 529 might be a better choice for a parent to put into place now for a young child’s educational savings plan. Investing in a 529 will allow parents to deduct money from their estate tax free and it better ensures that the money will be used to finance https://educationaldepartments.com/.