Have you ever wondered how to break a spell of voodoo rituals for money? If you want to break a spell of love done by you or by someone else for you, there are many reasons why it may be important to you to learn how to break a tie of love. In this article you’ll learn some simple ways to undo spells. But caution, this don’t mean that you must do and undo spells as a game, because sometimes it can bring you undesirable consequences.
Light the white candle and meditate on the subject of the love spell. If you’re doing this magic for yourself, then imagine that you don’t feel any more love for that person and you feel free from her or his spell.
Combine all ingredients into the jar. While you focus on undoing the spell of love, place the picture into the jar. While the candle is still burning, bury the bottle on the ground. Do this magic during the waning moon for best results.
You must have a photo of the two lovers. With scissors, cut each figure. Then, you must put the two figures together, folding the pictures several times. Now burn the paper until it is completely consumed.
If you think that a wizard or witch has put a magical curse on you, your house, or your family, carry out this spell that will help you to break a spell of love. You should try this at any moment on the year. Light a new white candle and let burn some of the following materials in a fireproof container: nails, hyacinths, lilac, pine, or sage. With this you will enforce the breaking of the spell.