The رومابت jersey is one of the most identifiable parts of the football game. It is the number one part of the football uniform, whether it is a national team or a regular club or even college team. Football jerseys are unique and since they have started following the current fashion trends, they have become even more popular. Fans love jerseys because they represent their favorite team, but also because they are really nice, with great designs and colors, as well as trendy materials, allowing fans to wear them both during the matches and even in random times.
Football jersey design has undergone several changes throughout the years. In the early ages of football, the shirt was simple, made of cotton. It was thicker than the modern jersey and much heavier. The original jerseys were not that comfortable or even healthy because the football players used to sweat during the game, making the shirt even heavier and sticky, limiting the motion possibilities for the players.
The design of the older football shirts was quite simple as well; the shirts were featuring just one color, dark or white and had simple collars with buttons, something like the Polo Shirts. As time went by, the football shirt was enhanced, following the development of the textile market and industry. Moreover, football became even more popular, especially since international tournaments were organized and held in different countries and continents, attracting the attention of more people and fans from every corner of the world. During these tournaments, the World Cup tournaments, the fans started asking for football shirts to buy and wear. A new trend was born.
During the 60s the football shirt was no longer made of cotton; it was made of synthetic materials that made it lighter and more comfortable, even during hot days. The change in the material allowed more changes in the design and style as well. Fans saw for the first time colorful jerseys, with stripes and other patterns that made the jerseys look great when players were wearing them. Today, the jerseys are made of hi tech materials that incorporate the dry technology that allows players to sweat without feeling wet at any point of the game. This way, the shirt doesn’t stick on the players’ bodies, allowing the skin to breath properly. Hygiene, comfort and style have become an important issue in the football industry.
National teams and clubs have been promoting the sale of football shirts to their fans, supporting this trend; selling the teams’ jerseys is not just a commercial move; teams want their fans to wear the jerseys because that is the best possible advertisement and marketing method for them. Fans wearing a jersey of a team show loyalty, popularity and enhance the quality of team in the eyes of other football fans.
The jersey became a trend, a mentality, a culture. It comes as no surprise that teams sign huge contracts with known manufacturers to create new football shirt designs and styles that will make the team’s appearance stand out.