very Mortgage Loan Originator licensed in the United States must complete Pre-License Education in order to obtain a license. And Continuing educationtipsforall each year in order to renew the license. There is a federal mandate that each state require at least 20 hours of Pre-License Education. And at least 8 hours of Continuing Education each year after the license is approved. And many states have decided to require additional “state-specific” Pre-License and Continuing Education on top of the federal mandated minimum requirement. If a Loan Originator obtains licenses in many states, there could be a lot of Continuing Education required each year. Which brings us to our main topic. How do you choose a Mortgage License Education Course Provider that can make this process as simple. And painless as possible?

Each Mortgage License educationtipsforall Course Provider must get their courses approve through the NMLS (Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System). Some Course Providers only get the main 20 hour Pre-License Education and 8 hour Continuing Education. So if you are license in any states that require state-specific education, you’ll have to do that part with another Course Provider. Most Course Providers only get some of the state-specific education approve for the larger states. Because it is very time consuming to get approve and maintain if they don’t have enough customers taking the courses. Very few Course Providers get the state-specific Mortgage License Education Courses approve by the NMLS in every state that requires it. If licensed in many states, it is best to find one of these few Course Providers that offer all courses.

The Course Providers are able to provide Pre-License educationtipsforall in 3 formats: Classroom, Webinar, and Online Instructor-Led. Classroom is a live course in-person. Webinar is a live course via a webinar online. And Online Instructor-Led, which is by far the most popular, is an online course at your own pace. A small amount of instructor involvement to meet the NMLS requirement that there be interaction between the student and the instructor. Due to the instructor interaction, the Online Instructor-Led courses must be done within a certain window of time. Usually 2 days for a few hour course up to 12 days for a 20 hour course. For the Continuing Education, Course Providers are able to offer all of the same course formats.

As the Pre-License https://educationtipsforall.com/ plus an Online Self-Study format. The Online Self-Study format is virtually identical to the Online Instructor-Led format. Except that there is no window of time that the course must be complete. And there is no instructor interaction. For most people, the Online Self-Study format would be the best option for the Continuing Education. Not all Course Providers offer all Course Formats. So you will want to find a Course Provider that offers the formats you prefer.